Saturday, August 29, 2009

Session 1

Right now, I'm sitting in our hotel room, they Hyatt Place in Arlington, TX to be exact...patiently  waiting for Danny to give me some sort of "cue" to start getting ready for the Cowboy game. You see at the moment, he is asleep and I really dont want to wake him up because I sort of woke up at 7:30 this morning which sort of woke him up to. So i feel really bad and I know he is tired because we were up pretty late last night hanging out with our friends Amanda & Bo.. but i'm not really sure what the "appropriate" time would be to leave. =/ Anyway, I trust that we are in good hands and the Lord will give him a nudge here in a few minutes (or encourage me to nudge or the other will work im sure).

Anyway, like I said we hung out with Amanda and Bo...for a very special reason i might add!!  Earlier this week, Amanda and Bo asked me if I would be interested in taking their pictures for their "Save the Dates!" Can you even imagine my excitement when they asked?! My first clients!! So for the past few days I was feeling very confident and of course pretty excited. I had planned out poses, sites and even figured out what setting and "mode" I was going to use on my camera! However, when the time actually came...I felt like I was 4 years old again standing in front of an entire audience for a ballet audition in red leotards dressed like a puppy. scared to death. nervous. forgetting what it even meant to make a "pie" or when exactly was I suppose to curtsey. (true story). I couldn't remember what my poses were, the sun was going down so I had to change my camera settings at the last minute (not even knowing if I had it right to begin with) and there was no time to go to the destinations that I had planned in my head due to the lack of day light. However, I said a very quick,and what turned out to be a very powerful prayer in my head, and remembered a little patch of sunflowers located in our apartment complex and started clicking my shutter button away. 

I knew from the beginning Amanda & Bo would be easy to work with only because they are both so photogenic and are both such beautiful/handsome people.  So I have you wait no are the results:

I had a great time taking their pictures. I honestly loved it. I'm still not sure if im doing everything right or if my pictures even turned out okay.  All i know is that for the very first time in a very long time... I feel like I have found something that I truly love to do (hobby wise). Thank you Amanda & Bo for letting me/trusting me to take this pictures! I hope you find at least one you can use, if not we can try again!!

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