Tuesday, July 26, 2011

i know, its tuesday

my tuesdays are your mondays. or my monday is your tuesday. they both work really. this morning it was about 85 degrees, so i took hudson and micah on a walk. we stopped and laid out a blanket with a couple of toys and books for about 20 minutes. it was so nice considering we hadn't been on a walk in a very long time due to the heat. but the clouds were in our favor this morning so i took advantage of that little miracle. you might be wondering what happen to my 30 for 30 outfit challenge, well no worries i'm still doing it, it's just theres no pictures to prove it. so you will just have to take my word for it. today i'm wearing a pink shirt with a red belt...risky move for it to not be valentines day. i'm in desperate need of some bleach blonde hair, it would only be fitting for this 100 plus degree weather were experiencing, dirty blonde is so 80 degrees. hudson has been extra cuddly and clingy with me these past couple of weeks. everything i do is funny to him or at least deserves a smile. he's a great confidence booster i tell ya. for instance this morning i was drinking my vanilla frap, reading my bible, he would laugh at me every time i picked up the drink and took a sip. apparently i'm a comedian and didnt even know it, i should got paid for this. Right now i'm reading this new book called "reclaiming surrendered ground"its about protecting your family from spiritual warfare. its pretty amazing and i highly recommend it. maybe even life changing.  i scored 114 points the other day on one word during my daily words with friends moves. my opponent thought i was cheating, i didnt even know there was a way to cheat. the hubs and i saw Captain America at studio movie grill sunday night, thanks to my friend Amelia who opted to baby sit hudson. good friends, good baby sitters and free are all hard to find in the same package. she didnt even have to rock the boy he just went straight to sleep at 7 on the dot...crazy. i'm in the process of editing hudsons 7 month pictures, he's naked in most of them so get ready to see some rolls. you might even consider bringing some melted butter. =)  i got to shower and have lunch all before noon today, this is something that is quiet impressive if i do say so myself. i'm really wanting to add "running" to my daily schedule but...i always have an excuse not to do it, but some exercise would be a great a health factor to have in my life. maybe i'll do lunges and crunches tonight, a girl could never O-D on crunches. my husband is wanting us to live in a RV...yes an RV. his plan (lord hoping its only his plan and not God willing) is to move into an RV for about a year and save money to put a down payment on a house when we move to Austin. Oh have you not heard? we're moving to Austin, dannys job is relocating..but not until 2012. If you have any other suggestions that involve us no living in a trailer park i would love to hear them. =) happy monday everyone, i mean tuesday. 

is he not the cutest? this is rhetorical unless you agree with me! =)


  1. I love this post!!! Austin?!?!?! That is so exciting!! You know you will be right down the road from me and Chase! :)

  2. jenni, you guys live in austin?! i had no clue?! how did i not know this?! we could be neighbors!
